Generating a new request when handling one in a module

lvella nginx-forum at
Thu Jul 18 03:24:44 UTC 2013

I want to modify third party longpoll module nginx_http_push_module ( ) to notify upstream every time a request hangs
waiting for a new publication, sending original headers and all, so I know
in my upstream application that there is a user connected on the channel,
and even what user is it, if I can have access to the session cookies. The
results of this notification request isn't really going anywhere and is not
of interest.

My idea was to generate a new request to a "internal" marked location,
copying the relevant headers from the original request, while handling the
later (thus inserting a new request in the nginx HTTP request processing
stack, and discarding its results). This new request would be independent
from there on.

At first it seemed a simple approach, but now that I browsed through some
examples modules, I am not so sure anymore. I failed to find any module that
does something like this, and I could not find the relevant API to
"offspring" such relatively independent HTTP request.

Do you think this is a good approach? Can you point me the API I should use,
or a sample module that does something like this?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,240974,240974#msg-240974

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