Possible memory leak?

wkbrad nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org
Thu Feb 28 23:44:52 UTC 2019

Thanks Reinis!  That's some really great info and from the short tests that
I've run so far I think this is going to be the solution.

I used this command as the test:
pid="$(cat /run/nginx.pid)"; kill -USR2 $pid; sleep 10; kill -QUIT $pid

And here is what happened with the reload:
 37.0 MiB +   1.4 GiB =   1.4 GiB    nginx (3)
495.4 MiB +   1.4 GiB =   1.9 GiB    nginx (4)
606.6 MiB +   1.4 GiB =   2.0 GiB    nginx (4)
738.3 MiB +   1.4 GiB =   2.1 GiB    nginx (4)
 40.1 MiB +   1.7 GiB =   1.8 GiB    nginx (4)
 57.1 MiB +   2.8 GiB =   2.8 GiB    nginx (6)
 57.4 MiB +   2.8 GiB =   2.8 GiB    nginx (6)
  1.3 GiB +   1.4 GiB =   2.7 GiB    nginx (5)
 14.6 MiB +   1.4 GiB =   1.4 GiB    nginx (4)

Started at 1.4G and ended at 1.4G.  Yay!

I also tested whether it was reloading gracefully (i.e. not killing active
connections ) and indeed it is.  Yay again!

I'm going to run some more tests tomorrow and modify the systemd script on
one of our servers as another test.

Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,283216,283232#msg-283232

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